About Us
Nestled comfortably in the heart of the Canadian wilderness with amazing glacial sculpted rock, the French River Provincial Park is the hidden gem of Northeastern Ontario. Rich in Canadian history where the lands were first settled by Canada’s First Nations’ people. Later, tremendous efforts of early French explorers like Samuel de Champlain, Pierre-Esprit Radisson, Étienne Brûlé and other missionaries helped map, develop and establish the trade route needed for fur traders and loggers. Bear’s Den Lodge was built in 1925 as a summer home for Mr. H. Martin, at the time a New York Banker, and his wife. By the 1930s, during the Great Depression, Mr. Martin was unable to enjoy their property so his wife and her sister operated the facility as a commercial property. Families would arrive at the CNR train stop that was the Hartley Bay House, now marina, to fish and vacation on the French River.