Experience Bear’s Den Lodge a “New Norm” with COVID – 19 & FAQ


Our accommodations at the Bear’s Den Lodge, a remote access resort, are provided in your own private modern cottages.  We offer a fully equipped facility for your comfort while enjoying the beauty that the French River has to offer.  From getting away, relaxing or enjoying quality fishing, your comfortable clean cottage will offer the great escape that we all have been needing.


Our cleaning service has been based on health care standards and cleanliness for the past 36 years and offer increased sterilization in our cottages to provide for your comfort, health, and experience during your stay. Attention to detail includes regular surface cleaning, sweeping, and scrubbing. The surfaces areas will be disinfected by spray, wiping or mopping with an acceptable Ontario hospital grade disinfectant to kill virus and bacteria between guests. Special care is provided for all linens and bedding to meet standards set forth. Guests are welcome to bring their own bedding and pillows or sleeping bags, if they feel more comfortable.

During your stay we ask you to assist us with keeping your environment clean and safe. We ask you to assist us with removing your garbage as needed at the specified time and placing it on your deck for pick up by staff. All guests are asked to assist in sweeping their floor and washing their dishes & kitchen items well.


Our dining room is currently closed per Health Canada Regulations and we are offering take out food service only.  Please advise the lodge in advance to book this plan. When protocol permits, the dinning room will be set to ensure 2 meter social distancing is maintained between parties.

If you require daily cleaning services or fresh towels, please arrange upon your arrival and during your stay. Special care is being taken for your food preparation and take-out delivery.

Our Main Lodge is cleaned daily. All door handles, light switches and other handles will be wiped with a disinfectant several times daily. The telephones and electronic equipment daily will be cleaned also. Unfortunately, the main lodge lobby is not open for guests to socialize with other camp guests. Please enjoy the fresh air and visit with social distancing in mind.


Normal check-in and check out will be available as usual. We ask no more than 1 person enter the lobby at a time as posted.  Please enter the front double door only and remember to social distance. Should you prefer to not want to enter the lodge, we will arrange other options. All patrons served will be screened for symptoms and risk factors before entering our facility. Guests are asked to provide the names and contact information of everyone we serve to aid in contact tracing should an outbreak flare up.

Prior to your arrival, please call us or have the Hartley Bay Marina call and let us know if you will need (or not need) assistance with your luggage. We will meet you at the marina or on our dock. Our staff will use contactless precautions and then drive your luggage to your cottage to assist you.


Please arrange when booking your stay. Our equipment is sanitized between guests.  You are welcome to provide your own life jacket if preferred.


  1. Please do not travel to the lodge if you have a cough, cold, fever or been in contact in the past 14 days with a person with COVID. 
  2. Frequent Hand Washing for 20 seconds with soap and water.
  3. Practice Social Distancing.
  4. Limit the number of people present at any given time as of the week of June 13, 2021 – a gathering of 10 is permitted. Outdoor dinning permits 4 at a table.
  5. Wear a non-medical mask when you can not socially distance. Appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) will be worn by staff.
  6. All of Bear’s Den Lodge staff have been fully vaccinated.

Please follow Government protocols to protect you and others that are enjoying their vacations and holidays with us, along with our staff who are tending to your Bear’s Den Lodge, French River experience.  It is safe to travel. Come join us!